Central sterile supply department is often referred to as a heart of hospital. It performs activities for all wards and operating theatres. Its key role is to eliminate nosocomial infections. Employees of central sterile supply department perform processes of disinfection as well sterilisation of medical tools and equipment. Their work contributes to ensuring safety of patients and medical staff.
As sterile processing technician, you work with the decontamination process on the basis of the highest standards of safety and quality. it is a very crucial position which requires adequate experience. You are responsible for correct handling of medical tools and products. From the moment of accepting through washing with disinfection, completing kits, checking, packing and marking, sterilising to handing the ready kits out. You monitor the parametres of the proces, you document the controls which are conducted. You pay attention for all procedures to be performed in accordance with the current standards by ensuring the highest quality and safety within medical environment.
Qualifying medical equipment and products for the processes of washing, disinfecting and sterilising.
Conducting the processes of washing, disinfecting and sterilising while making use of the proper methods, products and equipment.
Supervising the processes of washing, disinfecting and sterilising.
Compiling documentation of the processes of washing, disinfecting and sterilising in accordance with the established procedures.
Working at our company carries not only obligations but also numerous benefits:
Stable employment (on the contract of employment basis) as well as stable conditions of employment.
Interesting and challanging job at the modern central sterile supply department.
Safe and comfortable conditions for performing your work.
Opportunity to develop professionally, upgrade your competences and undergo training.
Opportunity to exchange experiences with professionals, including experts from other countries.